Introduction to Computer Science II

Winter 2022 Midterm Practice Exam

Solve the below problems by implementing the appropriate classes and methods in file


1.    [30pts] Write a class named Vehicle that can be used as shown below:

>>> v = Vehicle()
>>> v.add_cargo('train')
>>> v.add_cargo('ball')
>>> v.add_cargo('doll')
>>> v.cargo_contents()
['train', 'ball', 'doll']

>>> v.deliver()

>>> v.cargo_contents()
['train', 'ball']

Note: you will need to implement an __init__ constructor in addition to methods add_cargo, cargo_contents, and deliver. Method deliver should remove and return the last item added to the cargo (i.e., last in, first out).

2.    [30 pts] Write a class named Sled as a subclass of Vehicle that inherits all the attributes of Vehicle and also:

>>> s = Sled(0,0)
>>> s.add_cargo('train')
>>> s.add_cargo('ball')
>>> s.cargo_contents()
['train', 'ball']
>>> s.move(2,1)
>>> s.deliver()
>>> print(s)
Gifts being delivered at location (2,1)
>>> s.move(3,7)
>>> s.deliver()
>>> print(s)
Gifts being delivered at location (5,8)

3.    [30 points]
Implement a GUI widget class Calculator that consists of an Entry widget and a Button widget labeled "Compute":

To use the app, the user should enter an arithmetic expression in the Entry:

When the user clicks on the Button, a popup window should display the result:

After the user clicks OK in the popup window, the Entry should be empty and ready for the next expression (as shown in the first image).
>>> Calculator().pack()

4.    [10 points] Implement a GUI widget class App that consists of the Calculator widget your just implemented and the Draw widget covered in class (and already included in the file):

>>> App().pack()