Introduction to Computer Science II

Final Practice Exam

Solve the below problems by implementing the appropriate classes and methods in file


1.    Implement recursive function prod() that takes a list of numbers and returns their product. If the input list is empty, the function should return 1. Your implementation must be recursive.
>>> prod([])
>>> prod([4])
>>> prod([4, 2, 6])

Implement recursive function fileNum() that takes a pathname (as a string) as input and that returns the total number of regular files contained in the directory associate with the pathname, whether directly in the folder or indirectly through subfolders. If the pathname refers to a regular file, the function should just return 1. Test your function on your file that you are working on and 2) the folder test obtained by downloading the file and  unziping it in the same folder as your file
 >>> fileNum('')
>>> fileNum('test')

3.    As we saw in homework assignment 8, HTML supports ordered and unordered lists. An ordered list is defined using element ol and an unordered list is defined using element ul. Develop class ListCounter as a subclass of HTMLParser that, when fed an HTML file, counts the number of top-level lists (ordered and unordered) in the HTML document; A list is top-level if it is not inside any other list. For example, in lists.html, there are 5 lists but only 2 are top-level.

The class ListCounter should support method getCount() that takes no input arguments but returns the number of lists. Test your solution on lists.html.
>>> infile = open('lists.html')
>>> content =
>>> infile.close()
>>> parser = ListCounter()
>>> parser.feed(content)
>>> parser.getCount()

4.    In each of the four exercises in function test(), construct the regular expression that will match the described list of words in file frankenstein.txt:

>>> test('frankenstein.txt')
Exercise i: the number of times the string Frankenstein appears in the text:

Exercise ii: the list of all different numbers appearing in the text
['24', '26', '27', '20', '21', '22', '23', '28', '1', '3', '2', '5', '4', '7', '6', '9', '8', '11', '10', '13', '12', '15', '14', '17', '16', '19', '18']

Exercise iii: the list of strings of the form 'horror of <lowercase string> <lowercase string>'
['horror of that countenance', 'horror of my situation', 'horror of the recent', 'horror of his children', 'horror of my feelings', 'horror of my employment', 'horror of\nmy proceedings', 'horror\nof others appeared']

Exercise iv: the sentences containing the word 'laboratory'

I sat one evening in my laboratory; the sun had set, and the moon was
just rising from the sea; I had not sufficient light for my employment,
and I remained idle, in a pause of consideration of whether I should
leave my labour for the night or hasten its conclusion by an unremitting
attention to it.

  He then took me into his laboratory and
explained to me the uses of his various machines, instructing me as
to what I ought to procure and promising me the use of his own when
I should have advanced far enough in the science not to derange
their mechanism.

  Sometimes I could not prevail on
myself to enter my laboratory for several days, and at other times
I toiled day and night in order to complete my work.

  My application was at first
fluctuating and uncertain; it gained strength as I proceeded and
soon became so ardent and eager that the stars often disappeared
in the light of morning whilst I was yet engaged in my laboratory.

 The next morning, at daybreak, I summoned
sufficient courage and unlocked the door of my laboratory.

Soon after my arrival in the hovel I discovered some papers in the
pocket of the dress which I had taken from your laboratory.

  He had also changed my apartment; for he perceived that I
had acquired a dislike for the room which had previously been my laboratory.

5.    Implement function webdir() that takes as input: a url (as a string) and non-negative integers depth and indent. Your function should visit every web page reachable from the starting url web page in depth clicks, and print each web page's url. As shown below, indentation should be used to indicate the depth of a url.

>>> webdir('', 2, 0)