Children's interactions with animated agents in an intelligent tutoring system

Judy Robertson, Beth Cross, Hamish MacLeod, and Peter Wiemer-Hastings. Children's interactions with animated agents in an intelligent tutoring system. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 14:335–357, 2004.


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Although animated pedagogical agents are frequently found in intelligent tutoring systems and interactive learning environments, their effect on users' attitudes and learning requires further investigation. This paper reports findings of a field study designed to investigate the impact of animated pedagogical agents on primary school children's attitudes to and interactions with the StoryStation system. Sixty pupils used either a version of StoryStation with an animated agent interface or an equivalent one with a normal graphical user interface to write a story. Analysis of questionnaire data indicated that pupils who used the agent version rated StoryStation more highly than those who used the non-agent version. Analysis of program use revealed that girls tended to interact more with the agent version, while boys tended to interact more with the non-agent version.


  author = 	 {Judy Robertson and Beth Cross and Hamish MacLeod and Peter Wiemer-Hastings},
  title = 	 {Children's interactions with animated agents in an intelligent tutoring system},
  journal = 	 {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education},
  year = 	 2004,
  volume =	 14,
  pages =	 {335-357},
  url = {},
  cvnote = {G-index = 132},
  abstract =     {Although animated pedagogical agents are frequently found in intelligent tutoring systems and interactive learning environments, their effect on users' attitudes and learning requires further investigation. This paper reports findings of a field study designed to investigate the impact of animated pedagogical agents on primary school children's attitudes to and interactions with the StoryStation system. Sixty pupils used either a version of StoryStation with an animated agent interface or an equivalent one with a normal graphical user interface to write a story. Analysis of questionnaire data indicated that pupils who used the agent version rated StoryStation more highly than those who used the non-agent version. Analysis of program use revealed that girls tended to interact more with the agent version, while boys tended to interact more with the non-agent version.}

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