The final exam covers chapters 1-2 of the text (except sections 1.5, 2.2 and 2.3).
Ideally, you should be comfortable with all of the following:
- arrays
- loops over an array
- resizing arrays
- loop invariants
- recursive functions over an array, forward and backward
accessors and mutators using a loop over
- singly linked list
- doubly linked list
- binary search
- stacks and queues, both array and linked list implementations
- binary heap, sink and swim, insert, find min/max, delete min/max
- priority queues: unordered and ordered array implementations and binary heap implementation
- adding arithmetic and geometric series
- order of growth
time complexity of
- "resizing" arrays
- insert, find, delete on unsorted array
- insert, find, delete on sorted array
- binary search
- independent nested loops
- dependent nested loops
- simple recursive functions
- selection sort (worst N^2, best N^2)
- insertion sort (worst N^2, best N)
- binary heap operations
- heap sort (worst N*log N)