Contents [0/19] |
CountingLoops [1/19] |
2D Square [2/19] |
2D Triangle [3/19] |
2D Flat Pack [4/19] |
2D N * lg(N) [5/19] |
2D N * lg(N) - Flat Pack [6/19] |
2D lg(N) * lg(N) [7/19] |
3D Cube [8/19] |
3D Pyramid [9/19] |
4D Cube [10/19] |
4D Pyramid [11/19] |
5D Cube [12/19] |
5D Pyramid [13/19] |
CountingRecursion [14/19] |
Recursive Factorial [15/19] |
Recursive Fibonacci (Terrible Version) [16/19] |
CountingStrings [17/19] |
String Concatenation (Recursive) [18/19] |
String Concatenation (Loop) [19/19] |
(Click here for one slide per page)
CountingLoops [1/19] | [source]
package ds1.student.orderofgrowth; import stdlib.StdOut; import stdlib.Stopwatch; public class CountingLoops { // To Print: StdOut.printf ("N=%3d i=%3d N-i=%d\n", N, i, N-i); // // Test variant with one, two or three nested loops // // Outermost: // for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { // for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i*2) { // // Next: // for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { // for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { // for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j*2) { // for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j*2) { // // Next: // for (long k = 1; k <= N; k = k+1) { // for (long k = 1; k <= j; k = k+1) { // for (long k = 1; k <= N; k = k*2) { // for (long k = 1; k <= j; k = k*2) { // f counts the number of times the innermost loop executes static long f(long N) { long result = 0; for (long i = 1; i <= N; i*=2) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { result = result+1; if (N <= 64) StdOut.format ("%02d ", i); } if (N <= 64) StdOut.println (); } return result; } public static void main (String[] args) { f(16); long MIN = 256L; // for powers of ten, start with 500L long MAX = 3_200_000_000L; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch (); double prevCount = f(MIN); double prevTime = sw.elapsedTime (); for (long N = MIN*2; N <= MAX; N=N*2) { sw = new Stopwatch (); long count = f(N); double time = sw.elapsedTime (); StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,16d: %10.3f [%10.3f : %10.3f]\n", N, count, count / prevCount, time, time/prevTime); //StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,16d: %10.3f\n", N, count, count / prevCount); prevCount = count; prevTime = time; } } }
2D Square [2/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { result = result+1; } } |
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Elapsed count f( 512): 262,144: 4.000 [ 0.003 : 0.750] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 1,048,576: 4.000 [ 0.001 : 0.333] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 4,194,304: 4.000 [ 0.006 : 6.000] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 16,777,216: 4.000 [ 0.032 : 5.333] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 67,108,864: 4.000 [ 0.056 : 1.750] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 268,435,456: 4.000 [ 0.152 : 2.714] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 1,073,741,824: 4.000 [ 0.546 : 3.592] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 4,294,967,296: 4.000 [ 2.228 : 4.081] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 17,179,869,184: 4.000 [ 9.405 : 4.221] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 68,719,476,736: 4.000 [ 35.069 : 3.729] Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quadratic: ~ N^2
2D Triangle [3/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { result = result+1; } } |
01 02 02 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Elapsed count f( 512): 131,328: 3.992 [ 0.002 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 524,800: 3.996 [ 0.003 : 1.500] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 2,098,176: 3.998 [ 0.002 : 0.667] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 8,390,656: 3.999 [ 0.005 : 2.500] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 33,558,528: 4.000 [ 0.016 : 3.200] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 134,225,920: 4.000 [ 0.065 : 4.063] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 536,887,296: 4.000 [ 0.246 : 3.785] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 2,147,516,416: 4.000 [ 1.001 : 4.069] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 8,590,000,128: 4.000 [ 4.006 : 4.002] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 34,359,869,440: 4.000 [ 15.628 : 3.901] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 137,439,215,616: 4.000 [ 62.422 : 3.994] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quadratic: ~ 1/2 * N^2
More accurately: (1/2 * N^2) - N/2
2D Flat Pack [4/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i*2) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { result = result+1; } } |
01 02 02 04 04 04 04 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Elapsed count f( 512): 1,023: 2.002 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 2,047: 2.001 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 4,095: 2.000 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 8,191: 2.000 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 16,383: 2.000 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 32,767: 2.000 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 65,535: 2.000 [ 0.001 : 0.333] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 131,071: 2.000 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 262,143: 2.000 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 524,287: 2.000 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 1,048,575: 2.000 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576): 2,097,151: 2.000 [ 0.002 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 2,097,152): 4,194,303: 2.000 [ 0.003 : 1.500] Elapsed count f( 4,194,304): 8,388,607: 2.000 [ 0.010 : 3.333] Elapsed count f( 8,388,608): 16,777,215: 2.000 [ 0.019 : 1.900] Elapsed count f( 16,777,216): 33,554,431: 2.000 [ 0.033 : 1.737] Elapsed count f( 33,554,432): 67,108,863: 2.000 [ 0.041 : 1.242] Elapsed count f( 67,108,864): 134,217,727: 2.000 [ 0.092 : 2.244] Elapsed count f( 134,217,728): 268,435,455: 2.000 [ 0.169 : 1.837] Elapsed count f( 268,435,456): 536,870,911: 2.000 [ 0.292 : 1.728] Elapsed count f( 536,870,912): 1,073,741,823: 2.000 [ 0.553 : 1.894] Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824): 2,147,483,647: 2.000 [ 1.149 : 2.078] Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648): 4,294,967,295: 2.000 [ 2.284 : 1.988]
This is linear: ~ 2N
More accurately: 2N - 1
2D N * lg(N) [5/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i*2) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { result = result+1; } } |
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Elapsed count f( 512): 5,120: 2.222 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 11,264: 2.200 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 24,576: 2.182 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 53,248: 2.167 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 114,688: 2.154 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 245,760: 2.143 [ 0.002 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 524,288: 2.133 [ 0.001 : 0.500] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 1,114,112: 2.125 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 2,359,296: 2.118 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 4,980,736: 2.111 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 10,485,760: 2.105 [ 0.006 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576): 22,020,096: 2.100 [ 0.014 : 2.333] Elapsed count f( 2,097,152): 46,137,344: 2.095 [ 0.030 : 2.143] Elapsed count f( 4,194,304): 96,468,992: 2.091 [ 0.054 : 1.800] Elapsed count f( 8,388,608): 201,326,592: 2.087 [ 0.108 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 16,777,216): 419,430,400: 2.083 [ 0.222 : 2.056] Elapsed count f( 33,554,432): 872,415,232: 2.080 [ 0.505 : 2.275] Elapsed count f( 67,108,864): 1,811,939,328: 2.077 [ 0.972 : 1.925] Elapsed count f( 134,217,728): 3,758,096,384: 2.074 [ 2.057 : 2.116] Elapsed count f( 268,435,456): 7,784,628,224: 2.071 [ 4.106 : 1.996] Elapsed count f( 536,870,912): 16,106,127,360: 2.069 [ 8.241 : 2.007] Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824): 33,285,996,544: 2.067 [ 17.254 : 2.094] Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648): 68,719,476,736: 2.065 [ 35.660 : 2.067]
This is linearithmic: ~ N * lg(N)
2D N * lg(N) - Flat Pack [6/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i*2) { for (long j = i + 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { result = result+1; } } |
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 Elapsed count f( 512): 4,097: 2.285 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 9,217: 2.250 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 20,481: 2.222 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 45,057: 2.200 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 98,305: 2.182 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 212,993: 2.167 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 458,753: 2.154 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 983,041: 2.143 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 2,097,153: 2.133 [ 0.002 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 4,456,449: 2.125 [ 0.003 : 1.500] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 9,437,185: 2.118 [ 0.006 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576): 19,922,945: 2.111 [ 0.013 : 2.167] Elapsed count f( 2,097,152): 41,943,041: 2.105 [ 0.026 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 4,194,304): 88,080,385: 2.100 [ 0.057 : 2.192] Elapsed count f( 8,388,608): 184,549,377: 2.095 [ 0.145 : 2.544] Elapsed count f( 16,777,216): 385,875,969: 2.091 [ 0.260 : 1.793] Elapsed count f( 33,554,432): 805,306,369: 2.087 [ 0.517 : 1.988] Elapsed count f( 67,108,864): 1,677,721,601: 2.083 [ 1.020 : 1.973] Elapsed count f( 134,217,728): 3,489,660,929: 2.080 [ 2.126 : 2.084] Elapsed count f( 268,435,456): 7,247,757,313: 2.077 [ 4.608 : 2.167] Elapsed count f( 536,870,912): 15,032,385,537: 2.074 [ 9.334 : 2.026] Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824): 31,138,512,897: 2.071 [ 19.133 : 2.050] Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648): 64,424,509,441: 2.069 [ 40.003 : 2.091]
This is linearithmic: ~ N * lg(N)
More accurately: (N * lg(N)) - (2N - 1)
2D lg(N) * lg(N) [7/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i*2) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j*2) { result = result+1; } } |
01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 08 08 08 08 08 16 16 16 16 16 Elapsed count f( 512): 100: 1.235 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 121: 1.210 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 144: 1.190 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 169: 1.174 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 196: 1.160 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 225: 1.148 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 256: 1.138 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 289: 1.129 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 324: 1.121 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 361: 1.114 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 400: 1.108 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576): 441: 1.103 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 2,097,152): 484: 1.098 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 4,194,304): 529: 1.093 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 8,388,608): 576: 1.089 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16,777,216): 625: 1.085 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 33,554,432): 676: 1.082 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 67,108,864): 729: 1.078 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 134,217,728): 784: 1.075 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 268,435,456): 841: 1.073 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 536,870,912): 900: 1.070 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824): 961: 1.068 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648): 1,024: 1.066 [ 0.000 : NaN]
This is log squared: ~ lg(N) * lg(N)
3D Cube [8/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= N; k = k+1) { result = result+1; } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 512: 8.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 4,096: 8.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 32,768: 8.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 64): 262,144: 8.000 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 128): 2,097,152: 8.000 [ 0.004 : 4.000] Elapsed count f( 256): 16,777,216: 8.000 [ 0.008 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 512): 134,217,728: 8.000 [ 0.063 : 7.875] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 1,073,741,824: 8.000 [ 0.532 : 8.444] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 8,589,934,592: 8.000 [ 3.979 : 7.479] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 68,719,476,736: 8.000 [ 31.300 : 7.866] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 549,755,813,888: 8.000 [ 253.206 : 8.090] Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is cubic: ~ N^3
3D Pyramid [9/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= j; k = k+1) { result = result+1; } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 120: 6.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 816: 6.800 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 5,984: 7.333 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 64): 45,760: 7.647 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 128): 357,760: 7.818 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 256): 2,829,056: 7.908 [ 0.005 : 5.000] Elapsed count f( 512): 22,500,864: 7.953 [ 0.011 : 2.200] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 179,481,600: 7.977 [ 0.091 : 8.273] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 1,433,753,600: 7.988 [ 0.683 : 7.505] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 11,461,636,096: 7.994 [ 5.322 : 7.792] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 91,659,526,144: 7.997 [ 42.736 : 8.030] Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is cubic: ~ 1/6 * N^3
It's a tetrahedron (image from Dune Project):
4D Cube [10/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= N; k = k+1) { for (long l = 1; l <= N; l = l+1) { result = result+1; } } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 4,096: 16.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 65,536: 16.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 1,048,576: 16.000 [ 0.003 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 64): 16,777,216: 16.000 [ 0.026 : 8.667] Elapsed count f( 128): 268,435,456: 16.000 [ 0.140 : 5.385] Elapsed count f( 256): 4,294,967,296: 16.000 [ 2.014 : 14.386] Elapsed count f( 512): 68,719,476,736: 16.000 [ 31.673 : 15.726] Elapsed count f( 1,024) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,048) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,096) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,192) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quartic: ~ N^4
4D Pyramid [11/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= j; k = k+1) { for (long l = 1; l <= k; l = l+1) { result = result+1; } } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 330: 9.429 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 3,876: 11.745 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 32): 52,360: 13.509 [ 0.001 : 1.000] Elapsed count f( 64): 766,480: 14.639 [ 0.002 : 2.000] Elapsed count f( 128): 11,716,640: 15.286 [ 0.008 : 4.000] Elapsed count f( 256): 183,181,376: 15.634 [ 0.277 : 34.625] Elapsed count f( 512): 2,896,986,240: 15.815 [ 4.417 : 15.946] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 46,081,900,800: 15.907 [ 68.227 : 15.446] Elapsed count f( 2,048) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,096) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,192) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quartic: ~ 1/24 * N^4
5D Cube [12/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= N; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= N; k = k+1) { for (long l = 1; l <= N; l = l+1) { for (long m = 1; m <= N; m = m+1) { result = result+1; } } } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 32,768: 32.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 1,048,576: 32.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 33,554,432: 32.000 [ 0.014 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 64): 1,073,741,824: 32.000 [ 0.620 : 44.286] Elapsed count f( 128): 34,359,738,368: 32.000 [ 17.720 : 28.581] Elapsed count f( 256) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 512) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,024) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,048) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,096) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,192) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quintic: ~ N^5
5D Pyramid [13/19] |
01 |
for (long i = 1; i <= N; i = i+1) { for (long j = 1; j <= i; j = j+1) { for (long k = 1; k <= j; k = k+1) { for (long l = 1; l <= k; l = l+1) { for (long m = 1; m <= l; m = m+1) { result = result+1; } } } } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 792: 14.143 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 15,504: 19.576 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 32): 376,992: 24.316 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 64): 10,424,128: 27.651 [ 0.018 : 6.000] Elapsed count f( 128): 309,319,296: 29.673 [ 0.491 : 27.278] Elapsed count f( 256): 9,525,431,552: 30.795 [ 5.574 : 11.352] Elapsed count f( 512) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,024) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,048) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,096) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,192) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,384) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 32,768) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 65,536) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 131,072) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 262,144) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 524,288) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 1,048,576) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 2,097,152) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 4,194,304) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 8,388,608) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 16,777,216) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 33,554,432) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 67,108,864) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 134,217,728) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 268,435,456) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f( 536,870,912) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(1,073,741,824) aborted execution after a minute or so Elapsed count f(2,147,483,648) aborted execution after a minute or so
This is quintic: ~ 1/120 * N^5
CountingRecursion [14/19] |
We will cover recursion later in the course, so you don't need to understand this slide for the Midterm. [source]
package ds1.student.orderofgrowth; import stdlib.StdOut; import stdlib.Stopwatch; public class CountingRecursion { /* testing an integer function */ public static long f (long N) { if (N <= 1) { return 1; } else { long result = f(N-1) * N; steps = steps + 1; return result; } } // public static String f (long N) { // if (N == 0) { // return ""; // } else { // String result = "*" + f(N - 1); // steps = steps + result.length(); // return result; // } // } private static long steps; public static void main (String[] args) { long MIN = 4L; long MAX = 5000L; // If too big, you may get a StackOverflowException Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch (); steps = 0; f(MIN); double prevCount = steps; double prevTime = sw.elapsedTime (); for (long N = MIN*2; N <= MAX; N=N*2) { sw = new Stopwatch (); steps = 0; f(N); long count = steps; double time = sw.elapsedTime (); StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,17d: %10.3f [%10.3f : %10.3f]\n", N, count, count / prevCount, time, time/prevTime); //StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,17d: %10.3f\n", N, count, count / prevCount); prevCount = count; prevTime = time; } } }
Recursive Factorial [15/19] |
We will cover recursion later in the course, so you don't need to understand this slide for the Midterm.
01 |
public static long f (long N) { if (N <= 1) { return 1; } else { long result = f(N-1) * N; numOps = numOps + 1; return result; } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 7: 2.333 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 15: 2.143 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 31: 2.067 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 64): 63: 2.032 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 128): 127: 2.016 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 256): 255: 2.008 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 512): 511: 2.004 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 1,023: 2.002 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 2,047: 2.001 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 4,095: 2.000 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 8,191: 2.000 [ 0.000 : NaN]
This is linear: ~ N
Recursive Fibonacci (Terrible Version) [16/19] |
We will cover recursion later in the course, so you don't need to understand this slide for the Midterm.
01 |
public static long f (long N) { if (N <= 1) { return N; } else { long result = f(N-1) + f(N-2); numOps = numOps + 1; return result; } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 33: 8.250 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 1,596: 48.364 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 3,524,577: 2208.382 [ 0.011 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 64) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 128) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 256) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 512) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 1,024) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 2,048) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 4,096) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so Elapsed count f( 8,192) aborted execution after a thousand hours or so
This is exponential: approximately 2^N
More accurately:
, where 1.6 = (1+sqrt(5))/2
CountingStrings [17/19] | [source]
package ds1.student.orderofgrowth; import stdlib.*; public class CountingStrings { // Test variants that resize additively or multiplicatively // int capacity = 1 + a.length; // int capacity = 2 * a.length; // int capacity = (int)Math.ceil(1.5 * a.length); private static char[] resize (char[] a) { int capacity = 2 * a.length; char[] result = new char[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i = i + 1) { result[i] = a[i]; numOps = numOps + 1; } return result; } // f creates a string of length N, counting the total size of all strings created public static String f (long N) { char[] a = new char[1]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1) { if (i >= a.length) a = resize(a); a[i] = '*'; numOps = numOps + 1; } return String.valueOf(a); // creates a string in linear time } private static long numOps; public static void main (String[] args) { long MIN = 500L; long MAX = 3200000L; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch (); numOps = 0; f(MIN); double prevCount = numOps; double prevTime = sw.elapsedTime (); for (long N = MIN*2; N <= MAX; N=N*2) { sw = new Stopwatch (); numOps = 0; f(N); long count = numOps; double time = sw.elapsedTime (); StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,17d: %10.3f [%10.3f : %10.3f]\n", N, count, count / prevCount, time, time/prevTime); //StdOut.format ("Elapsed count f(%,13d): %,17d: %10.3f\n", N, count, count / prevCount); prevCount = count; prevTime = time; } } }
String Concatenation (Recursive) [18/19] |
We will cover recursion later in the course, so you don't need to understand this slide for the Midterm.
14 |
public static String f (long N) { if (N == 0) { return ""; } else { String result = "*" + f(N - 1); numOps = numOps + result.length(); return result; } } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 36: 3.600 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 136: 3.778 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 528: 3.882 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 64): 2,080: 3.939 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 128): 8,256: 3.969 [ 0.000 : 0.000] Elapsed count f( 256): 32,896: 3.984 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 512): 131,328: 3.992 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 524,800: 3.996 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 2,098,176: 3.998 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 8,390,656: 3.999 [ 0.012 : 4.000]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError at ds1.student.orderofgrowth.CountingRecursion.f(
String Concatenation (Loop) [19/19] |
01 |
public static String f (long N) { String result = ""; while (N != 0) { N = N - 1; result = "*" + result; numOps = numOps + result.length(); } return result; } |
Elapsed count f( 8): 36: 3.600 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 16): 136: 3.778 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 32): 528: 3.882 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 64): 2,080: 3.939 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 128): 8,256: 3.969 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 256): 32,896: 3.984 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 512): 131,328: 3.992 [ 0.000 : NaN] Elapsed count f( 1,024): 524,800: 3.996 [ 0.001 : Infinity] Elapsed count f( 2,048): 2,098,176: 3.998 [ 0.003 : 3.000] Elapsed count f( 4,096): 8,390,656: 3.999 [ 0.010 : 3.333] Elapsed count f( 8,192): 33,558,528: 4.000 [ 0.041 : 4.100] Elapsed count f( 16,384): 134,225,920: 4.000 [ 0.077 : 1.878] Elapsed count f( 32,768): 536,887,296: 4.000 [ 0.181 : 2.351] Elapsed count f( 65,536): 2,147,516,416: 4.000 [ 0.517 : 2.856] Elapsed count f( 131,072): 8,590,000,128: 4.000 [ 0.847 : 1.638] Elapsed count f( 262,144): 34,359,869,440: 4.000 [ 3.567 : 4.211] Elapsed count f( 524,288): 137,439,215,616: 4.000 [ 13.881 : 3.892] Elapsed count f( 1,048,576): 549,756,338,176: 4.000 [ 62.358 : 4.492]
This is quadratic: approximately N^2