Grades will be determined as follows.
5% Attendance and Participation
If you are in Section 801, you get credit for each week you attend class AND submit any assignments and quizzes.
If you are in Section 810, you get credit for each week you submit assignments and quizzes, and for participating in exam proctoring if applicable.
15% Quizzes
20% Homework/Programming Assignments
To solve the homeworks and quizzes, you may find it useful to consult external resources at first. That is acceptable for this class. It is not an academic integrity violation.
However, it is your responsibility to repeat each problem until you can do it yourself, starting from scratch, in a reasonable amount of time (about five minutes).
Once you have ensured that you can complete the problem using the IDE, you must then ensure that you can do it on paper. This is a crucial part of the homework!
If you cannot produce the solution, on paper, without assistance, then you have not understood it. You will not do well on exams or job interviews.
Programming assignments that do not compile will receive zero points. You must type in the homework and ensure that your code runs and your tests succeed. If you cannot complete one problem of the homework, comment out your failed solution and restore the stub function that was provided.
If it's obvious that you didn't run or test your code, you will receive zero points for that assignment.
Always due at the time specified on D2L -- not a second later -- watch the clock!
Make sure you submit to the correct folder -- no credit for other folders!
Late Homework and quizzes can accepted either for full credit or partial credit according to the terms of the Late Work Policy.
You can submit as many times as you like -- I will always grade the last submission.
60% Exams
Midterm: 25% of final grade
Final Exam: 35% of final grade
On exams, you must work alone, without any external resources.
Exams will be given on paper. You will be asked to write code on paper. You must also be able to draw diagrams just as we will do on the whiteboard during lectures.
Students in the in-person section must take the exam on the chosen day and time, as announced on the course schedule.
Students in the online section must register with a proctor for both exams. Students that require special accommodations for exams must also register ahead of time. See here.
Exams will be given in person. There are no online exams. You must appear physically in front of a proctor (either the instructor or someone else, as described in the policy linked above.)
There are no makeup exams. If you miss an exam due to an emergency situation (e.g. hospitalization, family emergency), you will be required to provide documentation substantiating your absence from the exam. Accomodations for missed exams are seldom given. I reserve the right to deny any request for an accomodation for a missed exam, in which case, your exam score for a missed exam will be 0.
Minimum Final Exam Score
In order to get a C- or better in the course, you must demonstrate a minimum level of understanding of the course content. For this course, a minimum level of knowledge is demonstrated by a score of at least 65% on the final exam. If you do not achieve this score or higher, you will get a D+, D, or an F, and you will need to repeat the course.
DePaul's academic integrity policy
All students are expected to abide by the University's Academic
Integrity Policy which prohibits cheating and other misconduct in
student coursework. Publicly sharing or posting online any prior
or current materials from this course (including exam questions or
answers), is considered to be providing unauthorized assistance
prohibited by the policy. Both students who share/post and
students who access or use such materials are considered to be
cheating under the Policy and will be subject to sanctions for
violations of Academic Integrity.
Any submission for any assignment or exam in which there is evidence of an academic integrity violation is subject to sanction, up to and including failure of the course. At the very least, the student will receive a 0 for the assignment or exam in question. Additional sanctions may apply.