CSC403: Data Structures II (Winter AY23/24)
Eric J. Fredericks

Class Links

Discord Discussion Forum

Instructor Zoom Link (Office hours or by appointment)


Synchronous class recordings


Course Code ZIP Archive

Data Structures I (Reference Materials)

Online students

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(Author videos) (Lectures/Slides/Demos) (Coursera Part 1) (Coursera Part 2) (Princeton)

Core Java

(Online version) (Sample Chapter)
Java API/Tutorial

Java API

AP Java Class

Java Tutorials


Formatting Output

Formatting Numbers


IntelliJ IDEA (Use Community Edition!)

Getting Started

IntelliJ IDEA Overview

Built-In Features Trainer

Creating your first Java Application with IntelliJ IDEA (Tutorial)

Creating your first Java Application with IntelliJ IDEA (Video)

Importing a Maven Project

Debugging Tutorial

More Tutorials

Jet Brains Java Technology Guide

Lecture Materials
1.  Trees, Iteration and Recursion (3.2) [01/10]
2.  Binary Search Trees (3.2) [01/17]
3.  Symbol Tables (3.1, 3.5) [01/24]
4.  Balanced Search Trees (3.3) [01/31]
5.  Hash Tables (3.4) [02/07]
6.  Midterm, Undirected Graphs (4.1) [02/14]
7.  Minimum Spanning Trees (4.3), Directed Graphs (4.2) [02/21]
8.  Directed Graphs (4.2) and Shortest Paths (4.4) [02/28]
9.  String Sorts (5.1) and Tries (5.2) [03/06]
10.  Data Compression (5.5) and Review [03/13]
11.  Final exam [03/20]
Contact Hours
Class Hours: Wed 5:45pm-9:00pm
Office Hours: Office hours:
Wednesdays, 4:45pm - 5:30pm and
Wednesdays, 9:15pm - 10:00pm
In person: Lewis Center, 1208
Or on Zoom.
Please send me a message on Discord if you intend to join me for Office Hours.