CSC403: Expectations [9/11] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We will discuss new concepts each week.
You will have assignments, including quizzes, most weeks. Some of the homework assignments are programming assignments and some assignments may be written assignments.
We will review homeworks and quizzes in class. We will go over concepts that students find particularly difficult.
Getting the homework correct is not enough. Simply getting programming homework to work once will not help you communicate to me that you understand the concepts you need to learn. You need to learn how to draw pictures diagramming concepts we are covering, and to write code on paper, without a compiler, notes, Google, etc.
Repetition and iteration are key to learning! I recommend that when you repeat homeworks on your own, you get used to writing Java code on paper. Write your code out on paper and then type it into IntelliJ IDEA. Compile and run the tests, and fix any problems. Spend no more than 20 minutes on any one problem per day. Keep doing this every day, and you will find that you will be able to write good clean code on paper that is intelligible to me when I'm grading your exams. If you write code on exams that indicates you have not internalized Java syntax and semantics, your exam grade will reflect this!
Deadlines are generally not individually negotiable. First of all, this course moves very fast and covers a lot of ground, so you will want to keep up with the material. Secondly, I want to get you feedback on your assignments quickly, so you can use that feedback as you study. And finally, I cannot keep up with grading multiple students' late assignments - it becomes very time consuming to context switch back to previous assignments.
Since I drop one quiz and two homework assignments, you are covered if you miss an assignment due to unforseen circumstances.