CSC403: Symbol Table Problems

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Symbol Table Problems [1/1]

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Symbol Table Problems [1/1]


Give a trace of the process of inserting the keys
   E A S Y Q U E S T I O N 
into an initially empty table using SequentialSearchST. How many
compares (of keys) are involved?  

  k  v  #  list representation (key|value)

  E  0  0  E|0
  A  1  1  A|1  -> E|0
  S  2  2  S|2  -> A|1  -> E|0
  Y  3  3  Y|3  -> S|2  -> A|1 -> E|0
  Q  4  4  Q|4  -> Y|3  -> S|2 -> A|1 -> E|0
  U  5  5  U|5  -> Q|4  -> Y|3 -> S|2 -> A|1 -> E|0
  E  6  6  U|5  -> Q|4  -> Y|3 -> S|2 -> A|1 -> E|6
  S  7  4  U|5  -> Q|4  -> Y|3 -> S|7 -> A|1 -> E|6
  T  8  6  T|8  -> U|5  -> Q|4 -> Y|3 -> S|7 -> A|1 -> E|6
  I  9  7  I|9  -> T|8  -> U|5 -> Q|4 -> Y|3 -> S|7 -> A|1 -> E|6
  O  10 8  O|10 -> I|9  -> T|8 -> U|5 -> Q|4 -> Y|3 -> S|7 -> A|1 -> E|6
  N  11 9  N|11 -> O|10 -> I|9 -> T|8 -> U|5 -> Q|4 -> Y|3 -> S|7 -> A|1 -> E|6
  Total = 55 compares

  If N is the number of put operations, then the maximum is N*N/2
  (= 12*12/2 = 72 in this case).

  The worst case occurs in the case that all keys are unique.

    Give a trace of the process of inserting the keys
       E A S Y Q U E S T I O N 
    into an initially empty table using BinarySearchST. How many
    compares (of keys) are involved?

  Binary search does the comparison to key[mid], where
    mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
  if hi-lo is odd, pick the middle.
  if hi-lo is even, pick the lower of the middle two

  In the table below, I show the comparisons in order in the key
  array.  So, for example, when inserting S, the algorithm first
  compares to A, then E.

  k  v  #  KEY ARRAY                         VALUE ARRAY

  E  0  0  E1                                0                                      
  A  1  1  A1 E2                             1  0                                  
  S  2  2  A  E1 S2                          1  0  2                              
  Y  3  2  A  E1 S2 Y3                       1  0  2   3                          
  Q  4  3  A  E  Q1 S2 Y3                    1  0  4   2   3                      
  U  5  3  A2 E3 Q1 S  U  Y                  1  0  4   2   5  3                  
  E  6  3  A  E  Q1 S3 U2 Y                  1  6  4   2   5  3                  
  S  7  3  A  E  Q1 S3 U2 Y                  1  0  4   7   5  3                  
  T  8  3  A  E2 Q3 S1 T  U  Y               1  0  4   7   8  5  3              
  I  9  3  A  E2 I3 Q1 S  T  U  Y            1  0  9   4   7  8  5  3          
  O  10 3  A  E2 I3 O4 Q1 S  T  U  Y         1  0  9  10   4  7  8  5  3     
  N  11 4  A  E  I  N  O  Q  S  T  U  Y      1  0  9  11  10  4  7  8  5  3
  Total = 30 compares
  Binary search allows N keys to be put() about 2N compares (= 24 in
  this case).  The number is low, since about half the time, we have
  one more comparison, making it really closer to 2.5N (= 30 in this case).

    Draw the BST that results when you insert the keys
       E A S Y Q U E S T I O N
    in that order (associating the value i with the ith key, as per
    the convention in the text) into an initially empty tree. How many
    compares are needed to build the tree?   

    Inserting the keys in the order A X C S E R H into an
    initially empty BST gives a worst-case tree where every node has one
    null link, except one at the bottom, which has two null links. Give
    five other orderings of these keys that produce worst-case trees.

    You can also describe the constraints that produce this outcome
         --- Things like "insert A first, insert B before C, etc."
  In general: repeatedly insert either the max or min remaining key.

  Here are some examples:

  A,C,E,H,R,S,X // sort
  X,S,R,H,E,C,A // reverse sort
  A,X,C,S,E,R,H // alternate
  Are the following correct?



  In general:
    keep a set of sets, initially just one subset containing all keys
    choose a subset and remove it from the set of sets
    in the BST, insert the middle key from the subset
    to the set of sets, add the two subsets containing the smaller and larger keys

  Another way to view that:
    Draw the perfectly balanced tree that you want.
    Always insert parent before child.

  In this case the tree we want is:

              /   \
            C       S
           / \     / \
          A   E   R   X

  Here are some examples:

  H,C,A,E,S,R,X // pre-order
  H,C,S,A,E,R,X // level-order


    Suppose that a certain BST has keys that are integers between
    1 and 10, and we search for 5. Which sequence below cannot be the
    sequence of keys examined? 

    a. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
    b. 4, 10, 8, 6, 5
    c. 1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 6, 5
    d. 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 5
    e. 1, 2, 10, 4, 8, 5
Answer: d