The Educational and Professional Online Training Lab*


Learning can be easy, or it can be hard. Over the years, research in Cognitive Science and the Learning Sciences have taught us much about how to improve learning with the use of technology. The TEAPOT lab develops and tests learning systems and the technologies that support them.

research questions

  • Human-to-human tutoring has shown it to be remarkably effective, even when the tutor is not an expert tutor. Can we use the same types of interactions to improve student learning with dialog-based intelligent tutoring systems?
  • Learning is similar to working out. More "reps" leads to more results. So motivation is critical for keeping learners engaged. Games can be very motivating. Can we just harness their motivational superpowers to improve education?
  • Language is the medium of communication and education. And literacy skills are critical for becoming strong citizens. What are the fundamental processes in reading with deep understanding? How can we best support them?





  • Keith Cochran (started Phd Program in 2018)
  • M. Anne Britt (NIU)
  • Brian Grey (started Phd Program in 2010)
  • Peter Hastings


  • David Allbritton (DePaul Psychology)
  • Elizabeth Arnott (PhD in 2009)
  • Ali Alkhafaji (PhD in 2018)
  • Simon Hughes (PhD in 2019)
  • Clayton Cohn (MS Thesis in 2020)
  • Jesse Efron
  • Oussama BenKhadra
  • Francisco Iacobelli
  • Bob Poulsen

* Why teapots? Because they require harmonious composition of distinct forms.

( 2023-02-04 Sat 14:44